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2022必背高考英语作文范文 精选范文整理




Middle school students have some ideas about their future jobs.

The most striking contrast is in teaching: 30percent of the girls would like to become teachers while only 5percent of the boys want to do the job. 20 percent of the boys want todo business and another 20 percent want to become lawyers, while girls make up15percent in these two fields. What boys like to do most is to become managers and the second largest group would like to be scientists. Besides teaching, the second choice for girls isto be scientists and managers. The number is not small. Girls also expect toshow their abilities in these two fields.



Tohelp students learn more about computers, we have invited Professor Wang from the Computer Department of Qinghua University to give us a lecture on Saturday, December 22nd. Professor will talk about the use of computer and how to learn through the Internet.

The lecture begins at 2;00pm in Room 204 of the Library Building. Any computer-lover is welcome to attend the lecture. Please bring your questions in computer learning. Professor Wang will leave you time for questions.

Don’t forget to be on time.

the Students’ Union

Dec. 19th, 2004



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