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help do sth结构对吗


对。help do sth的意思是帮助做某事。短语是由句法、语义和语用三个层面上能够搭配的语言单位组合起来的没有句调的语言单位,又叫词组。它是大于词而又不成句的语法单位。

help sb do sth

help sb do sth是大家比较熟悉的结构,通常也可说成help sb to do sth,其意为 “帮助某人做某事”,两者常可通用——即其中的不定式符号to可以省略,也可以保留。如:

We helped her (to) find her things. 我们帮她找东西。

I helped him (to) repair his bike. 我帮他修自行车。

Mother helped me (to) do my homework. 妈妈帮助我做家庭作业。

Will you help me (to) choose myself a new coat? 请你帮我选件新大衣好吗?

Can anyone help me (to) fill in this tax form? 有谁能帮我填写税单吗?

When she fell, a friend rushed to help her (to) get up. 她摔倒时,一个朋友冲上前把她扶起来。

help doing和help to do区别

1、释义不同:help doing与can't连用,意为忍不住/情不自禁去做某事;help to do 意为帮助、援助。

2、用法不同:help (to) do sth实际上有时候to是省略掉的,用作help do sth。help + doing 是与can't一起用的,用作can't help doing sth。容易与can't help doing混淆的是can't help to do,译为不能帮助做某事。


(1)I can't lift this box — will you help me please? 译文:我举不动这个箱子,请你帮我一下好吗?

(2)I couldn't help crying.译文:我忍不住哭了。

(3)He can't help to do housework,for he is busy. 他由于忙不能帮助干家务。



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