







26.A. discouraging

27.E. impaired

28.J. instrumental

29.N. pump

30.G. incentives

31.M. probabl

32.B. dividend

33.L. predict

34.H. inherently

35.O. swelling


26.C. cumulative

27.I. scale

28.F. foreseeable


30.G. predictions

31.D. disruptions

32.B. credited

33.A. credential

34.м. survive

35.E. Federal


26.c. driven

27.o. vulnerable

28.H. random

29.N. unique

30.L. thriftier

31.K. temptations

32.A. amazing

33.D. engaged

34.J. spiritually

35.B. closer


36.[E] Some of today's narratives about the future seem to suggest that we too,like Prometheus,will be saved by a new Hercules,a divine engineer someone who will master- mind,manoeuvre and manipulate our planet.

37.[1] We need an acknowledgemen of our present ecologi- cal plight but also a language of positive change,visions of a better future.

38.[C] Today we can no longer ignore the ecological curses that we have released in our search for warmth and com-fort.

39.[K] The unscrupulous commodification of food and the destruction of foodstuffs will continue to dev- astate soils,livelihoods and ecologies.

40.[D] Acceleration is the signature of our time.

41.[G] This much is clear:we need to find ways that help us flatten the hockey-stick curves that reflect our ever-faster pace of ecological destruction and social acceleration.

42.[A] Our world is full of -mostly untold-stories of slow hope,driven by the idea that change is possible.

43.[F] Yet,if we envisage our salvation to come from a deus ex machina, from a divine engineer or a tech solutionist who will miraculously conjure up a new source of energy or another cure-all with revolutionary potency,we might be looking in the wrong place.

44.[I]We need an acknowledgement of our present ecologi- cal plinht but also a language of positive change,visions of a better future.

45.[B] At the beginning of time-so goes the myth-humans suffered,shivering in the cold and dark until the titan (E л) Prometheus stole fire from the gods.

36. [H] Those projects are then interwoven with fast-pacedtechnical modules learned' on-the -fly'and' at will'depending on the nature of the project.

37. [E] The Bachelor's degree could be your passport to life- long learning.

38. [B] Why?Because universities and curricula are designed along the three unities of French classical tragedy:time ,ac- tion,and place.

39.[K] Sound like science fiction?

40.[1] In addition to technical capabilities,the very nature of projects develops social and entrepreneurial skills,such asdesign thinking,initiative taking,team leading,activity re- porting or resource planning.

41.[C] The university model needs to evolve.

42.[J] After the MSc diploma is earned,there would be many more stamps of lifelong learning over the years.

43.[N] Even if time were not an issue,who will pay for life- long learning?

44.[F] Recent advances in computational methods and data science push us into rethinking science and engineering.

45.[M] This could fix the main organisational challenges for the university,but not for the learners,due to lack of time,- family obligations or' funds.



46.B) The near impossibility of appreciating art in an age of mass tourism.

47.B) It is quite common to misinterpret artistic works.

48.c) Good management is key to handling large crowds ofvisitors.

49.B It is possible to combine entertainment with apprecia- tion of serious art.

50.C Help us to see the world from a different perspective.

51.D) It takes no notice of the potential impact on the envi-ronment.

52.A It has the capacity and the financial resources to do so. 53.D) Farming consumes most of our natural resources.

54.D)lts alleged failure to regulate the industries.

55.B) Endeavor to ensure the sustainable development ofagriculture.


46.B) People's reluctance to be compelled to eat plant- based food.

47.A) Radically change their dietary habits.

48.B) Many people simply do not have access to foods they prefer

49.D) It may worsen the nourishment problem in low- income countries.

50.A) It accepts them at the expense of the long-term interests of its people.

51.c) They constantly dismiss others'proposals while taking no responsibility for tackling

the problem ,

52.D A distinction should be drawn between

responsibility and fault

53.A Stop them from going further by agreeing withthem.

54.B) They are prompted to come up with ideas for making possible changes.

55.C Assuming responsibility to free oneself


46.c) It may make us feel isolated and incompetent.

47.A) They do not find all their online friends trustworthy. 48.c) Paint a rosy picture of other people's lives.

49.A They should record the memorable moments in peo- ple' s lives

50.D Strengthen ties with real-life friends instead of caring about their online image

51.A) Ruining their culture.

52.D) Different chimp groups differ in their way of commu-nication.

53.B) Chimp behavior becomes less varied with the increase of human activity.

54.C) Study the unique characteristics of each generation ofchimps.

55.C) Conserve animal species in a novel and all-round way.



漕珠澳大桥(Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau Bridge)全长55公里,是我国一项不同寻常的工程壮举。大桥将三个城市连接起来,是世界上最长的跨海桥梁和隧道系统。大桥将三个城市之间的旅行时间从3小时缩短到30分钟。这座跨度巨大的钢筋混凝土大桥充分证明中国有能力建造创纪录的巨型建筑。它将助推区域一体化,促进经济增长。大桥是中国发展自己的大湾区总体规划的关键。中国希望将大湾区建成在技术创新和经济繁荣.上能与旧金山、纽约和东京的湾区相媲美的地区。

The 55-kilometre Hong Kong- Zhuhai-Macau Bridge is an ex- traordinary engineering.Itisthe world' s longest sea-crossing transportation system combining bridges and tunnels, which joins the three cities of Hong Kong Zhuhai and Macao, cutting the travelling time among them from 3 hours to 30 minutes. The reinforced concrete bridge with huge spans fully not only proves that China has the ability to complete the record-breaking mega-construction, but also will enhance the regional integration and boost the economic growth. It plays a crucial role in the overall plan to develop China’s Great Bay Area, which China intends to turn into one rivaling those of San Francisco, New York and Tokyo in terms of technological innovation and economicprosperity.


青藏铁路是世界上最高最长的高原铁路,全长1956公里, 其中有960公里在海拔4000多米之上,是连接西藏和中国其他地区的第一条铁路。由于铁路穿越世界上最脆弱的生态系统,在建设期间和建成后都采取了生态保护措施,以确保其成为一条“绿色铁路”。青藏铁路大大缩短了中国内地与西藏之间的旅行时间。更重要的是,它极大地促进了西藏的经济发展,改善了当地居民的生活。铁路开通后,愈来愈多的人选择乘火车前往西藏,这样还有机会欣赏沿线的美景。

The 1,956-kilometre Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the world' S highest and longest plateau railway with 960 kilometres above the altitude of 4,000 metres, and the first train line to join Tibet and other areas of China. As it crosses the world' s most vulnerable eco-system, continuous ecological protection measures have been adopted during and after the construction to guarantee 'a green railroad." The Qin- ghai-Tibet Railway substantially shortens the travelling time between inland China and Tibet, and, more importantly, considerably promotes the economic development of Tibet and improves the living condition of the local people. After the railway S operation, more and more people choose to visit Tibet by train so that they have the opportunity to admire the beautiful scenery along the way.



Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is located 46 ki- lometres south of the Tian’anmen Square, was put into op- eration on Sept. 30,2019. lIts construction began in 2014, with more than 40,000 workers on the construction site at the peak. The terminals feature a compact design to allow the maximum number of planes to park closest to their centre, which offers passengers considerable convenience. There are 82 boarding gates to the terminals, which can be accessed in no more than 8 minutes after passengers go through the security check. The airport is designed to guar- antee 300 takeoffs and landings per hour and is estimated to achieve a passenger capacity of 100 million in 2040, thus becoming the busiest airport in the world then.




Dinections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minurtes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de- velop effective communication skils. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Living in an age when competition is becoming increasingly severe, students are generally encouraged to develop effec- tive communication skills. These skills include both the man- agement of body language and facial expressions while stu- dents are talking and the pace and emphasis of the speechflow.

The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop effective communication skills mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, effective communi- cation skills make our thoughts and ideas more easily under- stood by those around us and our talent would be more likely to been seen by others. Moreover, effective communi- cation skills give us the ability to fulfill tasks more efficient- ly and solve problems more effectively. Last but not least, knowing the secrets of effectively delivering what we would like to express helps us make more friends.

To conclude, developing effective communication skills can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success undoubtedly. With these skills, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encouraged to de velop the ability to meet challenges. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Living in a world where challenges exist everywhere, stu- dents are generally encouraged to develop the ability t meet diverse challenges. Cultivating this ability is no easy task, but once you own it, you will be more likely to achievesuccess.

The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop the ability to meet challenges mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, as a student, the ability to meet challenges can give them a stronger inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary young- sters. Moreover, the ability to meet challenges can make students better prepared for their future career. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance students efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.

To conclude, developing the ability to meet challenges can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



Directions: For this part, you are llowed 30 minutes to write an essay on why students should be encournged tode velop creativity. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


Living in a time when science and technology has already been highly developed, students are gradually used to ac- cepting large numbers of structured and experience -based knowledge. By contrast, creativity seems relatively more precious because it is a quality so rare that most people would ignore its existence.

The reasons why students should be encouraged to develop creativity mainly lie in the following three respects. First of all, the ability to be creative can give them a more splendid inner mind, which is very indispensable for the growth of contemporary youngsters. Moreover, creativity can stimu- late students' imagination, which people attach great im- portance to in the process of invention. Last but not least, this ability can undoubtedly enhance students efficiency to solve problems in their real lives.

In my point of view, developing creativity can not only render us outstanding easily but also lead us to success eventually. With this ability, we will definitely become the one we have been dreaming to be.



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