






Admire the full moonIn the Mid Autumn Festival, China will celebrate the ancient customs, "book of Rites" in the records of "autumn month", namely the worship of god,Mid Autumn Festival customs. To Zhou Dai, every Mid Autumn Festival night to meet the cold and festival. Large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, cakes and watermelon is absolutely cannot little. Watermelon also cut into lotus shaped.In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is quite popular. In the Song Dynasty, to celebrate the mid autumn festival wind more prosperous, according to the Tokyo Menghua recorded "record:" mid autumn night, your home decorative knot taixie, civil war accounted for restaurants play a month ". Whenever this day, the capital of all shops, restaurants have to re decoration, arch tie silk wounded, sell fresh fruit and refined good food, night market was bustling, people put on the balcony, some rich people in their own pavilions moon and put food or arrange a dinner, family reunion child together to celebrate during our chat.After the Ming and Qing Dynasties, to celebrate the mid autumn festival custom remains the same, many places formed big dipper incense burning, tree Mid Autumn Festival, point tower lights, put the sky lanterns, walk the moon, the fire dragon dance and other special customs.

在中秋节,我国自古就有赏月的习俗,《礼记》中就记载有“秋暮夕月”,即祭拜月神,中秋节的风俗习惯。到了周代,每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。设大香案,摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、李子、葡萄等时令水果,其中月饼和西瓜是绝对不能少的。西瓜还要切成莲花状。在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。



Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, is thousands of families have to reunite the day, I remember the Tang Dynasty Li Bai, a "quiet night" wrote: "bed before the moonlight, suspected to be on the ground cream. "This is Li Bai expressed deep feelings for his hometown, the care and thoughts of their loved ones. On the day we had a family around the table eating reunion dinner, happy to chat, eating a round moon cake. what! Good sweet moon cake ah! And gradually darkened, the moon slowly drilled out from the clouds, as if in the hide and seek; also like a large jade plate. I suddenly remembered Li Bai another poem "ancient long line" there is such a sentence: "hours do not know people, call the white jade plate, and suspected Yao T aiwan mirror, flying in the Albatron side." I seem to see the moon on the Change and the rabbit, we together happily block the joy to spend this memorable Mid-Autumn Festival.



Today is August 15 Mid-Autumn Festival, is the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival, today my mother got up early, and we quickly prepared something, go out before the mother said: Yuxin, ye who give grandmother they buy something, I said : Okay, ok, ok, go to grandmother today? Mom said: Yes, I am so happy. You can go to grandmother sister home, my mother bought some pastry and milk, and then went to grandmother, and to the grandmother, grandmother said: Showtime, to learn ah, listen to my father and mother, grandmother next year to give you prizes Oh, I Said: Thank you grandmother, grandmother laughed, I laughed, my mother went home and said to me: Showtime, you are great, grandmother said to me, Showtime performance is very good. I said to my mother: Thank you mother, I will listen to your words, Showtime is good, my mother said grace, my mother took a moon cake from the bag, said: Mid-Autumn Festival happy, I said to my mother: I am excited.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is so nice!




中秋节快乐 happy mid-autumn day

中秋节快乐 我们吃月饼。we eat moon cakes on mid - autumn day.

中秋节快到了,提前祝您中秋节快乐!the mid autumn festival is drawing near.happy mid-autumn day!

端午节是三个中国主要节日之一,另两个是春节和中秋节。the dragon boat festival is one of three major chinese holidays, along with the spring and moon festivals.

中秋节快到了。the mid autumn festival is drawing near.

嗯,还有端午节、中秋节、重阳节等等。well, there are dragon boat festival, mid-autumn festival, chung yeung festival and so on.

你愿意来我家过中秋节吗?would you like to come over to my home for mid-autumn festival?



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