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高中英语省略句的考点及用法 有什么知识要点






在以when, while, if, as if, though (although), as, whether, once, whenever等连词引导的状语从句中,若从句的主语是it或与主句的主语相同,且在谓语中含有be动词时,常省略从句的主语和be,引导词后直接跟不定式、分词、形容词、介词短语等。 Look out for cars when (you are) crossing the street.

While (I was) walking along the street, I heard my name called.

He looked everywhere as if (he was) in search of something.

Unless (it is) necessary, you'd better not refer to the dictionary.


感官实义动词see, hear, feel, watch等和使役动词 have, make, let等后接不定式作宾补时, 省略不定式to;do nothing but, can't (help/choose) but等结构常接省略to的不定式;在口语中,为了避免重复,不定式可以省去和句子前部重复的动词原形而只保留 不定式符号 to。但to后如有be,have 则保留。

I watched him disappear in the distance.

Sandy could do nothing but admit to his teacher that he was wrong.

①My parents encouraged me to go to college, but I didn't want______ .

②—Are you a sailor?—No, but I used______ .


用于避免重复前面说过的内容,替代词so/not代替肯定或否定的内容。可与believe, do,

expect, fear, guess, hope, say, speak, suppose, think, I'm afraid, if等连用。否定时hope与guess

只用I hope not 和I guess not 形式,而think, believe, suppose等其他词可有两种否定形式 ,即:I think not 或I don't think so。

—Will you be able to finish your report today? —I hope so.

—The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they? ——I guess not.


1.(You) Open the door,please.请开一下门。

2.Who (comes) next?该谁了?

3.(There is) No smoking.禁止抽烟。

4.Are you thirsty ? 你30岁了吗?Yes,I am (thirsty).是的,我是。

5.Let's do the dishes. I'll wash and you'll dry(dishes). 让我们洗碗吧,我来洗,你来揩干。

6.He was not hurt. (how)Strange! 他没有受伤,真奇怪!

7.(I wish) Good luck (to you) .祝你好运/祝你顺利。



  • suffer的名词

    suffer的名词是suffering。suffer意思是:受苦,受难,受折磨; 遭受; 蒙受; 变差。sufferer
  • 英语会在2023年退出高考吗 这是真的吗


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