
当前位置:来高考高考作文英语作文2022关于国庆节的英语作文60字 带翻译

2022关于国庆节的英语作文60字 带翻译




Time flies.Today is the 73rd birthday of our country.

My parents and I got up early, because we were going to spend the holiday at my grandparents' home in the countryside. After a four-hour journey, we finally arrived. Before my parents wanted to take my grandparents to the city to take care of them, but they didn't want to leave this beautiful place. I looked at the scenery of my hometown and agreed with my grandparents very much. Here is very comfortable. In the afternoon, I played with the dog for a while. Soon it was dark and my mother told me to go home for dinner.

Today is the first day of the National Day holiday, I am very looking forward to the next few days.





October 1st is the birthday of the motherland, there is a happy atmosphere everywhere.The squares and streets were filled with flowers, which were arranged in various patterns.The streets were draped with little red flags. In the morning my mother and I do housework at home. Dad drove to the supermarket to buy some food. In the afternoon, my parents prepared meals, and I watched TV for a while. After dinner, we went to the park. The park was covered with little colored lights. We didn't get home until about 9 o 'clock. In this special day, wish our motherland prosperity.




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